How Much is an Emergency Dentist?

Implant Center of Miami • Oct 11, 2019

The average dentist will charge between $75 to $250 for an emergency visit. This will include X-rays and an exam. This does not typically include treatment for the emergency. Some dentists will offer a free consultation, although the treatment will never be free. 

What is an emergency dental evaluation?

The emergency dentist will evaluate the emergency or tooth and let you know what the treatment is, as well as discuss prices and financing options prior to performing any procedures. If you're having a dental emergency during normal business hours, all of the above may be true. But if you're having an emergency outside of normal business hours, the price may be expensive and it may be difficult to find an emergency dentist. 

Build a relationship with your dental provider

This is a good reason to always have a good relationship with your regular dentist, so if you're ever in an emergency, you can call their after-hours line and be able to reach your dentist to ask him or her questions or get a prescription called into the pharmacy. Some emergencies are so big that you may need a hospital. If you're having fever or swelling, please head straight to the hospital.

Are you looking to work with an experienced dental implants doctor? Call Implant Center Of Miami for a free consultation by calling (786)-713-9290 or emailing us directly at We're located on 1160 Kane Concourse, Bay Harbor Islands, FL 33154, United States. 

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